As part of the SciMaG project, part of the research was carried out on threshold concepts in STEM fields, to determine the basic terms that will be the starting point for creating educational games in STEM fields.
A short training for teachers and research was held at the Elementary School “Vuk Karadžić”, in Kikinda on 05/28/2024. with the presence of over 20 teachers from primary and secondary schools in Kikinda and the surrounding area. The research was led by members of the project team from the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Science and Mathematics: prof. dr Sanja Belić, prof. dr Milica Solarević and prof. Dr. Smiljana Đukićin Vučković with the help of her colleague Biljana Prlina, a teacher from the “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Gymnasium, from Novi Sad.
A short video of the conducted activity can be found here.