
InAMath e-course

Moodle-based online course An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics for the self-education of teachers was developed and implemented. The course is open, anyone can enroll.

The course with all the teaching materials and all the scenarios in English, Croatian, and Slovenia language is available on the platform Please, note that you will have to use an AAI account or create a new local account in order to enroll in the course. Here you can find a direct link to the InAMath course.

Scenarios in Serbian are available at the link where you need to register and automatically get access to the scenarios under the InAMath option.

InAMath Scenarios

The main results of the InAMath project are newly developed teaching scenarios for elementary schools that combine mathematics and other sciences in an interesting way, all with the aim of bringing mathematics closer to the youngest. As part of the project, more than 50 teaching scenarios were designed and described in detail and all of them were implemented in classes in primary schools in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. Additionally, 3 scenarios for celebrating special days were designed. Most of the scenarios have been developed in such a way that they can be applied in class simply, without special preparation, and are intended for teaching from the 1st to the 4th grade of primary school, and cover the mathematics lessons found in the regular curriculum. Even though our primary target groups are teachers from primary school, scenarios are freely available to anyone who shows interest in them.

We would be very happy if as many teachers as possible get familiar with presented scenarios and use them in their teaching practice, thus, please feel free to share this information with your colleagues and friends.

A quick survey about scenarios developed within the InAMath project is available here. The survey is available in four languages: English, Croatian, Slovenian, and Serbian. If you wish to give us feedback regarding some scenarios, you need to select the language, select the appropriate scenario and evaluate it.

Evaluate the tested scenario

Study on the attitudes of students, parents, and students toward mathematics and mathematics teaching

The article entitled Croatian elementary school teachers’ maths teaching efficacy beliefs: Knowledge domains and cross-curricular maths in post-digital era, published in the international scientific journal SAGE Open. The article analyzes the results of the examination of teachers’ attitudes in Croatia.

Istenič, A., Simčič, B., Crnković, V. M., & Volk, M. (2023), Croatian
Elementary School Teachers’ Maths Teaching Efficacy Beliefs: Knowledge
Domains and Cross-Curricular Maths in the Post-Digital Era. SAGE Open,

Education for teachers “An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics was held for 20 teachers and students in the Faculty of Education, University of Primorska on the 16th and 22nd of February, 2023. The program of the activity can be found here.

Education for teachers in Koper, Slovenia

Education An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics in primary school was held for 30 teachers in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on February 10th and 11th. The program of the activity can be found here.

Education for teachers in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Education An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics was held in Rijeka, Croatia on January 20th and 21st, 2023. Education was held for 39 teachers from 18 different schools. Program of the education can be found here.

Education for teachers in Rijeka, Croatia

Education Interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics was held in Novi Sad, Serbia on December 27th, 2022. Education was held for 30 teachers. Program of the education can be found here.

Education for teachers in Novi Sad, Serbia

Conference paper and conference presentation “Development of computational thinking through interdisciplinary activities in mathematics education” by Bojan Crnković, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković and Ivona Traunkar presented on 9th International Scientific Colloquium Mathematics and Children, Osijek, Croatia (May 19th – May 20th, 2023).

Conference paper and conference presentation entitled “Treasure Hunt as a Method of Learning Mathematics” (authors: Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, Ivona Traunkar, Bojan Crnković). The conference proceeding is available online.

Conference workshop Art and Technology in Math Classroom was held at the International Conference on Digital Transformation in Education and Artificial Intelligence Applications in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina on April 25th and 26th, 2024. The program of the activity can be found here. Additionaly, the paper on the same subject is accepted.

The article “Međunarodni dan matematike u Pi ritmu written by Bojan Crnković, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, Loris Rašpolić and Ivona Traunkar accepted for publishing in the journal “MIŠ: Matematika i škola.”

Article: How to organize mathematical exhibition – taxi geometry

In the journal of mathematical teaching “MIŠ: Matematika i škola”, an article by Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, Dina Mlacović, Marko Mrvoš “Kako organizirati matematičku izložbu – taxi geometrija” (How to organize a mathematical exhibition – taxi geometry) is published. The article describes the experience of organizing an exhibition within the InAMath project.

Mathematical exhibition: taxi geometry (9.9.2021.- 4.10.2021.)

Authors: Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, Dina Mlacović, Marko Mrvoš
Organisers: Akademija primijenjenih umjetnosti, Centar za inovativne medije, Odjel za matematiku (Sveučilište u Rijeci)
Location: Kampus Trsat, Rijeka
Opening: 9.9. u 11.00

Although at first glance it may seem that mathematics and art have no common ground, they often do intertwine and support each other. Mathematics helps the artist to turn his ideas into reality, either by using specific techniques of drawing and artistic creation that are based on mathematical laws or concretization of abstract ideas using an analytical method
thinking that mathematics teaches us. On the other hand, art helps math to show
its other, some would say the real face, to reveal to all its astonishing abstract nature in
a different way.
A math exhibition is a great way to present math content and using it, mixing art and mathematics, we present mathematical concepts in a completely different way.
We tried to make an exhibition that would be both artistic and mathematical. We tried to make an exhibition that will allow art lovers to walk around beautiful paintings without knowing they are made with the help of mathematics, an exhibition that will allow the interested visitor to peek into the mathematical background of the paintings, but also an exhibition that will amaze and surprise the mathematician with its presentation
mathematical concepts (known to him or not) in a completely unusual way.

The exhibition is available virtually here.

Short analyses of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) results in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia

Within the InAMath project, it is planned to conduct a survey of attitudes toward mathematics and the teaching of mathematics. The survey will be conducted among students, their parents, and teachers in schools that are partners or associate partners in this project.
Part of the results of this survey will be compared with the results of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), so we made a brief analysis of the TIMSS results in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia.