Rijeka tehnologije

Faculty of Mathematics, University of Rijeka participated in the event Rijeka tehnologije from January 30th until February 2nd, 2023 with activities developed within InAMath project: math ride (30.1.2023.), Ecsher tiling and Treasure hunt: secrets of cryptography (1.2.2023.).

Full program of Rijeka tehnologije can be found here.

Education for teachers in Rijeka, 20.-21.1.2023.

InAMath education for teachers “An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics” was held in the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Rijeka on the 20th and 21st of January, 2023. There were 39 teachers from 18 different elementary schools who participated in education and their feedback was very good! We bring you some photos from education and the full program.

Education for teachers in Rijeka, Croatia

We invite you to join our InAMath education: “An interdisciplinary approach to teaching mathematics” for teachers which will be held from 20.1.2023. to 21.1.2023. in Rijeka, Croatia. The full program of education is available here:

Teachers who are interested in participating can contact us at vmikulic@math.uniri.hr (Vedrana Mikulić Crnković).

Lecture in Kopar, Slovenia

On December 5th 2022, Vedrana Mikulić Crnković held a lecture for students of the Faculty of Pedagogy in Kopar, Slovenia. The lecture was titled “Popularisation of mathematics and InAMath activities” and students had the opportunity to try various activities developed within the InAMath project.

Evening of Mathematics

The first Thursday in December at the Faculty of Mathematics is always
reserved for the Evening of Mathematics. This year, we spent the
Evening playing math games and solving math puzzles. In the lecture
titled Math Games (B. Crnković and Vedrana Mikulić Crnković) we
explored the background of some mathematical games.
In the activities, we included those developed in the InAMath project.

OpenSciComm 2022 (November 24-25, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia

Bojan Crnković and Vedrana Mikulić Crnković had a presentation entitled Mathematics on the children’s playground at the Open Science Communication Conference – OpenSciComm 2022 (November 24-25, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia), link: https://int.cpn.edu.rs/en/open-science-communication-2022
In the talk, they presented activities developed within InAMath and Stem(ajmo) project.

Conference paper “Treasure Hunt as a Method of Learning Mathematics”

Bojan Crnković and Vedrana Mikulić Crnković presented the conference paper entitled “Treasure Hunt as a Method of Learning Mathematics” (authors: Vedrana Mikulić Crnković, Ivona Traunkar, Bojan Crnković) at the 16th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ecgbl/) held in Lisbon, Portugal (6 – 7 October 2022).

Fourth TPM and LTTA

Our fourth InAMath project workshop was held from September 21th to 23rd in Mostar, Bosnia and Hercegovina.

We discussed how to design and conduct InAMath teacher education based on an interdisciplinary approach, and it was very motivating, interesting, and fruitful!

We spent one morning in classrooms with teachers, talking about their work and mathematics education.

Last day, September 23rd, we had our fourth Transnational Project Meeting (TPM).